Friday, February 24, 2012

European Adventure!!!

The European Adventure has begun!!!  Today started fairly uneventful with a smooth morning (thank you for that Bailey & Dakota).  I dropped the dogs off at Tiffany & Guillermo's house and headed to the Miami airport for the first leg of our journey - MIA to ORD.  The flight was rough but I managed to not get airsick (hooray!!!).  After getting to Chicago I sat at Starbucks and happened to run into a family that was waiting to send their college aged daughter off to Uruguay for 5 months to study abroad.  They were EXTREMELY nervous about traveling in Latin America and I was glad to reassure them that she was going to have the time of her life.  I shared with her the things to see in Buenos Aires and in Colonial de Sacremento and the food to eat (her college had told her to avoid street food!!! WTH?!?!).

After speaking with them Mom and Dad arrived, it was nice to see Dad for the 5 minutes I got to see him.  We said our goodbyes and then went to check Mom's luggage.  After getting all settled and checked-in we went to find a restaurant..O'Hare has some pretty decent eating.  We decided on Macaroni Grill and enjoyed our first drink of our adventure!!! Then, due to the fact that we were pretty early (approximately 5 hours) we wandered around the airport.  Good thing because I managed to forget some pretty vital things: 1) a pillow and blanket, and even more important 2) a convertor!!!  So I got a pillow and blanket and we managed to find a convertor.

Now, we are sitting at the gate and are getting ready to board.  Next post - London or Edinburgh, it will depend on where I can get internet!!!

Let the adventure begin!!!!

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