Thursday, August 28, 2014

The adventure begins...with packing!

Packing...the arduous task that comes along with travel.  Some love it, others hate it - I'm definitely one of those in-between people.  I love the excitement that comes with packing and knowing that the reason that you are packing is because you are going to be taking a trip (no matter how large or small).

For me, packing begins with a list - yes, I am one of those people.  Unfortunately, the older I have gotten the more dependent on lists I have become.  I'm afraid I would truly forget my head if it wasn't attached (or on the list).  In my younger years, I used to be able to wake up in the morning and decide "I'm going to head to the mountains for the weekend," throw some items in a bag, grab my camping tote and away I would go.  No need for planning, I knew exactly what I was going to need and where the items were.  Now - that is so not the case!  After 3 major moves in less than 10 years, my stuff is strewn between multiple boxes, totes and seems to have found its way to multiple different places (the attic, basement and back of my SUV). 

So the first step for me in planning this trip, as stated above, was to create my list and then go on the wild goose chase throughout my home to find all of my stuff.  Nothing seemed to be where it was supposed to be, but alas, everything was found (or purchased new).  Let me tell you, I don't know what we did in the past with and when planning outdoor adventures.  Clothes, tools, necessities, etc. all at my finger tips with 2 days shipping - AWESOME! (okay, enough product placement).

Once all my items were discovered or purchased, it was time to pack the SUV.  This is an art I learned from my mother and it has become one of the most valuable skills in my toolbox.  The car is packed and I am ready to roll - I'll check in soon with more from my misadventures across the west.

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